ok guys, something in this community needs to change, and it must happen now!

Ok, so how do i get started today. So i was browsing arround the net, and on some point i got stuck to audiogames.net again. I knew about the descending off the community before. But then i found this:


At first it seamed like nothing wrong. I saw a developer announcing his new game infinite warfare, and already providing his readme. It looked good at fine before i started reading deeper. I hope i don’t need to tell you what all aobout this topic is wrong. People are just randomly acusing this game to be a clone, or framing the developer for his age. And this is a problem that our community has since ages, and which is probably even one of the main causes for the cloning problem, and why we get less and less games. Imargine you where a new developer and wanted to develope for the audiogaming community, maybe because you are blind too. So you research about a community with which you can provide your game. And the first thing you see is a topic like this one, or countless other ones. At this point, it’s just not understanding of basic common sense. If an idea is been used or reproduced in a better way, or a menu looks similar, that does not at all have to mean its the same codbase. It happens in mainstream communities quite a bit. Just because a developer has not hit the magic 18 number doesn’t mean he is a bad developer, uncapable of handling a game or, as referenced in this particular topic, power hungry. This is a problem that probably holds a lot of devs back from joining. It is also the reason why i took a break from game development for 2 years. And this makes the cloners show off more, because they are most often noticed, because unless vgstorm or nyanchan or some few others, there is not much happening anymore. I did not count long standing titles as stw, of course they are still going, but nothing new has been seen from sam since 2 years, in fact, he left the entire forum due to behaving like this or in even more aggressive forms. Please bring this article forward so maybe some day people realizes what damage they do not only to a developer and his reputation, but the entire community with this behaving.


By simter

A wise man named ironcross32 once said that i was a dangerous person.


  1. You people some one-sided individuals. God forbid your name is called out of context, yet you call whoever you so desire even if nobody knows who the hell they are, or if they had any connection to the discussion. Meh, Simter in a nutshell. Only when its convenient to him.

  2. lmfao yeah the refference to kymani is just amusing although i get it why you called him out.

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