1. Shut up kit is not a critisicing, that’s a personal attack or to be nice outcalling.

  2. Do you have all sorts of immunity just because this is your own blog?
    Blog posts are meant to be commented, and criticized if need be. You shouldn’t have messed around with blogging in the first place if you didn’t know that or had problems accepting it.

  3. It does not matter who started at all in this case. Seriously this is not kindergarden.

  4. Provoke? I would be more than willing to relax and get involved in other stuff had you allowed me to.

  5. Hmm, I don’t know who provoked the other, I just came here to answer. If you didn’t want it so badly, I wouldn’t even have done it.

  6. Sure, no problem for me. But this kid is getting really annoying and I am just telling her to behave appropriately.
    But she still continues to attempt to respond to me despite all the terribly embarrassing responses that she has got from me. So if she is happy about it, there is not much I can do.

  7. I suggest both sides to cool it down, i don’t usualy say this but this is kind off escalating. I will not step in yet, just saying.

  8. Yeah, thanks for the advice. You are quite experienced in that respect, so I will take what you say into consideration.

  9. I sure am, kiddo.
    I am so grateful and honored that you grant me this freedom.
    I am in tears!

  10. What? Responding to you is what I do in my spare time, when bored and have nothing else to do.
    Are you my mother to tell me what to do?
    And I don’t really have a poor life.
    And you’re changing the subject again.
    Why are you telling me what to do instead of attempting to respond to me?
    You know what? You’re but an arrogant brat who never ever admits any of her mistakes.

  11. Unfortunately, ArcticMoon was with her sister the whole afternoon because she wasn’t feeling well. It’s not an obligation to sit next to my laptop all the time, I’m sorry if you don’t have other things to do, alias be with your friends, relatives, etc etc. You must have a poor life outside of the virtual world.

  12. I am already sitting on a chair right now. I don’t really have to close my eyes as I am totally blind already. And I am not a kid. And I didn’t ever say you were the one to start the drama. And again, you are just crying and attempting to change the subject.

  13. o boy. Almost as argumentative as in the railway topic. Or in the pm you send me about i should rather talk to my parrents and sister/brother instead of beeing here. That is true arogancy.

  14. Sit down, kid, close your eyes and think about who started the whole drama, accusing every single person who he can because why not. None of the actions mentioned were started by me. That’s all I have to say. I’m in high hopes you both will realise your failure at some point.

  15. And you are not responding to me again.
    Is it because of your arrogance or that you are so helpless to say even a word? If the former is the case, then, as I said, you do deserve to be humiliated. And if the latter is the case, then again, you acknowledge your arrogance, which makes you deserve to be humiliated. So just get out of my way!

  16. Yeah, sometimes the way I express things might be harsh, you have a point there Nuno. That’s what I’m trying to improve.

  17. Alright, I base my claim that you are arrogant not on a baseless accusation but your own forum posts.

  18. No. Becausey ou asked calmly, provided me with your failed research and so I knew that you deserve my help, because you tried to find the nswerm but you couldn’t.

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